Thursday, November 08, 2012

Another presidential election has come and gone, and Barack Obama has won a second term. In a hard-fought campaign, he narrowly defeated Mitt Romney, with the popular vote nearly equal, 50-50, winning mainly due to the ridiculous Electoral College system we employ here. Its hard to believe, after four years of a dismal recession, gridlock in Washington, government-mandated health care rammed down everyone’s throats, as well as higher prices, higher taxes, and higher national debt. When Obama took office, the average price for a gallon of gas was $1.87, considered too high even then. Now, four years later, prices are approaching $4.00 per gallon, with no decline in sight. Fuel costs affect everything else, so prices have gone up for food, clothing, etc. Rather than fix the economy, the Democrats pushed through “ObamaCare”, bailed out the auto and banking industries, and sunk billions into “green energy” projects, many of which have failed. All with money borrowed from China. They hold the vast majority of our rising national debt, which recently topped 16 trillion dollars. The bottom fell out of the economy, companies went under or downsized, and currently there are 23+ million people out of work or in part-time and temp jobs. And yet the federal government has grown at an alarming rate. Under Obama’s first watch, all this has happened, and yet the Dems (aided by the leftist “news” media, Hollywood, education, etc.) still, after four years successfully blamed the country’s ills on- Former President Bush. Imagine that.

Obama has had some successes, however. He did get Osama bin Laden (using Bush’s policies no less). Also, he has successfully blocked states from protecting their borders from illegal immigration and drug trafficking, has encouraged the legalization of pot and other drugs in various states, pushed an abortion-on-demand agenda, championed gay marriage, and challenged religious liberty by forcing free contraception and abortion be covered by medical institutions with religious affiliation. Yeah, he has quite a record from his first term.

So here we are, looking at four more years of the most leftist president in the history of the country. And the country re-elected him. I guess that says a lot about the direction America is going. Our traditional, Judeo-Christian heritage is under attack, our history is being rewritten, and we are officially leaving the Constitution and our founding principles behind. The liberal media calls it “the brave new world”. I call it the slippery slope to oblivion. The past four years tell us what the next four will be like. Will gas prices be $6-8 per gallon, will our national debt top $25 trillion, will the economy completely collapse? Doesn’t look good.

I went to bed Tuesday night saddened, and awoke Wednesday not feeling any better. I felt as though the America I grew up with is going away, never to return. We have moved from “a hand up” society to “a handout” society. Rather than earn a living and make a life for yourself, we are entering an era of entitlements, handouts, “take from the wage-earners and give to those who refuse to work”. As well as all of the social engineering regarding gay marriage, legalization of drugs, unfettered abortion and govt funded contraception. America is changing, not for the better.

And yet, God spoke something to me Wednesday morning that I needed to hear. I found myself in Psalm 20:7, which reads, “Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Substitute “chariots” with “political systems”, “horses” with “politicians”, and you get a pertinent message for us today. God is not surprised by the election, He already knows what the next four years hold, and He is still on the throne of eternity. Ultimately, my citizenship is with Heaven, whatever happens down here.

In that, I find comfort.

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