Monday, September 22, 2014

How the Beast was Awakened

Earlier today, while riding back from a doctor's appointment in Snellville, I took the long way home on my Triumph. Passing southeast of town, I rode back country roads by pasturelands and wooded communities. Suddenly I found myself at an old familiar place on Rosebud Road, that brought back vivid memories for me. In 1996, I was driving this same road, and came upon a motorcycle at the end of a long driveway, with a "For Sale" sign on it. The bike, a Honda V65 Magna (of the type pictured above), was beautiful- shiny black and chrome, with gold lettering and striping. Looked showroom condition. I was struck by the bike, pulled over to "gawk and drool" over it, and found myself intentionally finding reasons to drive by it again and again over the subsequent week. Then one day, it was gone.
I had grown up around motorcycles, as I describe in my book, "Road Dirt", available on Amazon Books and Amazon Kindle ( Seeing this bike "awakened the beast" in me, so to speak, and I started back on the journey toward the world of motorcycling. I've since owned a Suzuki VS800 Intruder, a Yamaha Royal Star (still have it), a Kawasaki ZR-7s, a Triumph Sprint 955 ST (still have it too), and various others I have bought & sold. I've ridden north/south/east/west across America, logging thousands upon thousands of miles over the years. Riding has brought me many friendships, many treasured memories, and many opportunities to share and live out my faith in Christ with others. It's been a great ride, for sure (pun intended).
And to think it all started with a small roadside encounter in 1996...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Birthday Reflections

I turned another year older this week, 51 on Monday. It was a quiet time, no big party with cake, ice cream, presents, etc. Lisa, Kelsey and her boyfriend took me out to dinner the night before, so I spent Monday relaxing, got a massage the girls had bought for me, prepared to teach my Tuesday classes, and of course, took a motorcycle ride. Not a bad way to spend the beginning of my 51st year.
I am reflecting on the last 12 months, and all that has transpired. Last September, I was mostly recovered from two surgeries, a spinal neck surgery and a knee one. I took a 8-day road trip with a childhood friend, and spent the fall doing various things to earn a living, while still seeking the Lord about what He might have me do since leaving the full-time vocational ministry.
As 2014 began, my health went suddenly off the rails, with high blood pressure, anxiety attacks, and the discovery of an enlarged ventricle in my heart. Then by March came the discovery of bladder cancer and the subsequent surgery and chemo treatments. I've since had a colonoscopy which removed a precancerous polyp, and have been unable to put weight back on since losing 20 pounds after the cancer bout. Doctors now suspect hyperthyroid issues. Great. Another malady. All this with a guy who always felt like the picture of health.
My "half century" year was rough. Not the way I had anticipated beginning my 50s. And yet, more than the infirmities, I will recall my 50th year as one of great intimacy with and blessings from the Lord. I clung to Him and His promises in Scripture like never before, and God spoke to me in ways I will always cherish. He provided for my family's needs by miraculous means, that I'd only heard or read about in other's lives. In that sense, 50 was an amazing year that I praise God for. So as begin my 51st year, I am hopeful- for God to continue to heal me or give me peace in the midst of whatever I may face, for His leadership into new opportunities to serve His Kingdom, and for His continued protection and provision for my family. I look forward to all He will teach me this year, and the ways He will use me to be a blessing to others.
"Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits..." Psalm 103:2

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Its been too long since I've posted anything here, but its been a whirlwind of a summer. I've since been asked to teach full-time at Dacula Classical Academy, teaching Biblical World History to high schoolers and then a Books of the Old Testament class to 4th-5th graders on Fridays. I'm enjoying this new experience of being a teacher, although it is somewhat different than being a pastor. Many of these students were once kids in my children's ministry when I was serving at Hebron Baptist, and grew up knowing me as "Mr. Rob." Now as their teacher, though they still call me by that name, and the ones who did not know me back then call me "Mr. Brooks", the relationship has changed. They are required to come to my classes, they must take notes and pay attention, turn in homework and various assignments, and take tests and quizzes I give them. We don't do fun music and games together, don't show entertaining videos or funny skits, and they don't come rushing in or linger after to talk with me. Yet, I understand they are on a school schedule here to get between classes, the subject matter is more advanced and academic than when they were younger, and of course, they are teenagers!
So I'm adjusting to life as a school teacher. In truth, I enjoy my role at this school- teaching world history beginning with Creation in Genesis, and moving forward with a Biblical worldview of history. I'm incorporating elements I utilized back when I used to preach on Genesis, and the discussions we are having are very rich. I hope the students are learning and enjoying our classes together. I certainly am.
The road God has led me down since leaving full-time vocational ministry last year has been a winding, at times rocky, journey. But He has guided me every step of the way, has provided for my family in ways I could have never imagined, and I've known His presence in deeper ways than ever before in my life. It has not been easy- income loss, injury, surgeries, cancer and chemo, new career paths, to name a few. But following my Lord has been worth it all, and I know will continue to be.
Still on the road,