Wednesday, March 17, 2010

As I'm sitting here, its cold and rainy outside, but I don't mind. We're in the month of March. I'm always glad when it arrives. No matter how dreary and dismal the winter has been, March brings several things that encourage me. First, March brings Daylight Savings Time. That means longer days are coming. The skies are brighter when I rise in the morning, and there is now daylight for my drive home from work. Second, March brings the first blooms of Spring. Our daffodils are sprouting all over the yard, and I can see the buds beginning to stretch open on our dogwoods. Third, warmer days are becoming more common. Temperatures can still be quite cool in the mornings, but often rise into the 60's and even low 70's during the day. For me, that is perfect motorcycle weather!

Spring is coming. After what seems like the longest, coldest, wettest, most depressing winter I can ever remember here in Georgia, winter's grasp is beginning to loosen. Slowly, day by day, the world is coming alive again. And with it, so are my spirits. Even if we have another cold snap (which is very likely here!), and even another freak snow storm (that's happened before as well), I can take it in stride knowing the warmth and beauty of spring is drawing ever closer.

I believe March speaks to us of another change our hearts long for. For those of us who know Jesus Christ, we also know a day is coming where all of our cold, dismal days of this life will give way to eternal light, eternal warmth, eternal joy. A spring without end. Every bloom that pops up, every bud that sprouts on every tree, speaks to me of the day when this temporary world will pass away, and we will be ushered in to a new heaven and new earth, awash in endless beauty, light, and love.

Sure, there is beauty to behold in winter- fresh snow like a white blanket on the ground, ice crystals frozen on tree limbs, frost patterns on my windows, and the brilliance of a winter sun & moon. But nothing compares with the feeling of spring. And yes, there is great beauty in this world, this life- a sunset over the mountains, the warm embrace of my wife, the yellow & white blossom of a daffodil. But we can't even imagine the sights, sounds, and smells of the "spring" that awates us. I know its coming one day, as sure as the earthly spring is just around the corner now.

A butterfly landed on my chest yesterday. It was a pleasant surprise- I was walking down the stone path beside my house, when suddenly it flitted up and landed right on my shirt. The butterfly was small, with red and black wing patterns. The first one I'd seen since last fall. I paused, watching as it flexed its wings. Then off it flew. I stood there a moment, watching flit away. And I was reminded, spring is coming. Our earthly season of spring, and one day, the "season without end", eternal spring. I long for both.