Sunday, July 31, 2011

Today was the final day with our 2011 graduated 5th graders in the Children's Ministry. Every year it is hard on me to say goodbye, and this year is no different. I've seen so many of these kids grow up at Hebron, from entering our ministry as wide-eyed kindergartners to becoming energetic, confident 5th graders. So many have trusted Christ in their time with us, in Sunday School classes, Awana, our childrens churches, and events like VBC. In fact, this was the first class that never had the experience of attending a children's camp with us, but they saw the changes that came as we moved from VBS to the VBC concept.
We have poured our heart and soul into these young people, hoping to help them come to faith in Christ, ground them securely in Him, and arm them to trust and defend their faith in a hostile world. Its a strange feeling for me, as I look in their faces, and remember when they were terrified but excited kindergartners. Now, they are moving on.
So many of them I know will one day be leaders in the student ministry, in the church, and in the community. I pray they all will live what they have learned from us, and continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. That's all that really matters. I am confident of the middle school ministry they are moving into. God is doing great things there, and they will have great leaders to build on the foundation I hope they got from us.
Its been a fun summer with them, from our "MythBusters: Season 2" in RockiTown, to the special 5th grade VBC we put on for them in cooperation with the middle school ministry, the 5th Grade Adventure Trip in TN, and the various day trips we've enjoyed. Many memories made, for us as well as for them. I hope they carry not only great memories, but great life lessons from the Word, on into their teen years. May all they learned and experienced with us be anchors for their lives to the Rock, Jesus Christ.
God bless and keep them, as they continue their journey.


Connie said...

thanks Rob for all you do for our children. You have poured your life and love into them being their spiritual guide all this time. We're going to miss being part of your group but look forward to what is ahead!!

Rob Brooks said...

Thanks so much for the kind words, Connie! I love your family, and certainly have loved ministering to Andrew & Cori. Who knows? In a few years they may come back and serve with us in the children's ministry themselves!
God bless,