Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm sitting on the front porch reflecting on Vacation Bible Camp, "Rock of the Ages", which ended yesterday. It was an amazing week. The theme centered on the decades of the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, with the music, the fashion, the quirky culture of each. But mostly, the overall theme was about the true Rock, Jesus Christ, who crosses the ages. Hence, the double meaning- "Rock of the Ages."
We've done many fun VBS/VBC themes over the years- "Amazing Space", "Rescue 91:1", etc, but this one was especially fun to prepare for, and to conduct. Each day, kids and leaders dressed in clothes looking like each decade, and daily rotated through themed rooms for Bible story times- a 50s diner, 60s surf shop, 70s record store, and 80s arcade. I think our adult leaders got into this one more than any in recent memory. I think it was because the majority of them grew up in one of those decades, and jumped at the chance to dress like those eras again! Our teens who served were incredible as always, really running with the themes as well.
The best part of the whole event was impacting the lives of so many kids and families, esp. those kids from the community who attended. We had one of the largest numbers in many years, excluding "Amazing Space". That one was in a class by itself. We averaged 1876 for the week, with 136 salvations by week's end. That was the whole reason for VBC- to make God's name great in our church and community, and reach as many children for Christ as possible. VBC Family Night, which was Friday evening, capped off an incredible week with fun VBC music, highlights, awards, recognitions, and great giveaways. We concluded with an ice cream party and car show in the front parking lot, and everyone said they had a fantastic time.
As I drove home after clean-up, I was exhausted, but full of praise to God for all I had seen Him do in young lives during the week. I prayed, "Father, all I wanted this week was to make Your name great, and extend Your kingdom among children. I pray You are pleased with our feeble efforts." I glanced to the west, and saw the most spectacular sunset I've seen in a long time- the sky was awash in the colors of pink, orange, gold, red, purple, and blue, reflecting off and through the clouds. God spoke in my heart, "I am well-pleased, and this is for you." I rode home in thankfulness and praise.
It really was a great week.

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