Thursday, October 14, 2010

I was captivated by the dramatic rescue of the 33 Chilean miners, who had been trapped 1/2 mile below the surface in a collapsed mine. History unfolded before our eyes, moment by moment, on the TV screen. Amazing- these men had been trapped for 69 days, and every one of them survived. For the first 2 weeks, no one was even sure if they were alive, having no contact with the outside world. When communication was established, they were found alive, organized to survive, and in good cheer. Companies, governments, and individuals from around the globe rallied to aid Chile in reaching and recovering their men.
With the 1/2 mile shaft drilled, and the specially designed capsule in place to bring them up one by one, I was enthralled with the anticipation, the excitement, and the unbridled joy as cameras below and above captured each man's return to the surface. Upon stepping out, each man was greeted with cheers, chants, song, clapping, hugs, and kisses. It was glorious. Many dropped to their knees and prayed, holding Bibles, giving thanks to God before anything or anyone else. It never got old, watching each man's rescue and the joyous response from everyone.
What struck me as I watched was how similar the whole scene was to what is found in Scripture. First of all, the joy people expressed is a picture of the joy in Heaven when "one sinner repents" and comes to Christ (Luke 15:7). All of Heaven cheers and celebrates when a soul is saved, and brought into family of God. Amazing. Second, in the same way that those above could watch the men below via cameras that had been sent down, the Bible teaches that we are "surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses" in Heaven (Hebrews 12:1). They are cheering us on, from the halls of Heaven! That can either bring an "Amen!" or "Oh me...", depending on how one is living. Third, The rescue images speak to me of what awaits Christ followers when we leave the confines of this earth, "ascend the shaft" to our real home, Heaven, and breathe the free air of eternity. The sheer joy and exhilaration of the miner's rescue is a little hint, a picture of the grand celebration that awaits us when we each arrive home ourselves. "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, what God has in store for His children (1 Corinthians 2:9). The hugs, the kisses, the cheers and chants, the singing and celebrating, will be unlike anything we've ever known or seen. And we will party for all eternity, with the Creator, Lover, and Rescuer of our souls.
I am filled with anticipation. May my life cause celebration in Heaven- for others I point to Christ, and when I arrive home myself one day. Amen.

1 comment:

KIKI said...

I watched it too. I am a cole miners daughter and proud of it. I was crying during that time. I watch the last man come up. I remember every time there was a cave-in Dad would be watching and reading about until they were out, or sometimes not.
All I could think of was "They are all out safely now, Dad". Some how I think He already knew.
Thank you for writing about that. Most people don't realize how dangerous it is to go down in the mines. Dad once told me, the men might not be friends above ground, but when your down there, everyone is watching everyones back, because they know their safety could rest in another mans hands, like they rest in Gods Hands.
Carol Avary