Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I've been really feeling my age lately, and I don't like it. Since 2008 began, I've had one thing after another go wrong physically, it seems. Abdominal pains and sickness the first few months, neck and upper back problems that have caused fever headaches and migraines, physical therapy now for degenerative disks that have been discovered in my neck, and now I'm getting bronchitis! I just can't win.
I was hospital visiting last week, and on 2 different occasions patients told me, "You have teenage daughters? You don't look older than 24!" Although I was flattered by their compliments, I felt like saying, "Yeah? But I feel like 64."
Not only that, my motorcycle is over 10 years old, and has over 33k miles on it. Things are starting to break down with it as well- ignition switch went out, front fork is leaking (that's a big job), lights are not working right, all the fluids, filters, and plugs need replacing....I'm feeling a kinship with this old bike.
God has used all this to remind me how fleeting & fragile things of this life are. Health is short-lived, and all things begin to break down over time. But its good to know that God will make all things new for us one day. I'll get a new body- with "unlimited miles, unlimited warranty". The older I get, I more I place my hope in this promise-
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 2 Corinthians 4:16
Rich Mullins called it, "Growing Young." That's what I want for my heart in Christ, even as the outward man eventually fails.

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