Sunday, March 23, 2008

This was a very unusual Easter weekend for my family. Ansley had her wisdom teeth removed (all 4) on Friday, and has been pretty much incapacitated all weekend, and Kelsey was invited to go to Disney Land with a friend, whose father (who lives out there) had let her take Kelsey along. So we did not have a typical Easter together. I had to be up at the church by 7am to set up numerous things, and it was a crazy, 100mph morning, with many visitors and seasonal attenders. I was exhausted when I got home, around 1pm. Lisa & I ate a small lunch, I took a much-needed nap, and that was my Easter...
And yet, there was a brief moment, very early in the morning, when I felt the Spirit of Easter touch my heart. Driving in, I was captured by the nearly-full moon, still hanging in the sky, shrouded in wispy clouds, opposite a beautiful, colorful sunrise peeking over the hills. In that brief moment, before the busyness of providing Easter for the day's worshippers, God touched my heart with the wonder of that amazing morning- when a grave stone was rolled away, an angel told mourners to not be afraid, that Jesus Christ was alive again. And everything changed.
The angel didn't roll the stone away to let Jesus out, but to let the world look in. "He is risen, just like He said." That's the reason I hope, the reason I love, the reason I live. For as Paul said, "If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith also is vain." 1 Corinthians 15:14
He was alive, He is alive, and because He is, I am alive. And that makes everything worth it. He is alive!

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