Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I was reading my Bible this morning in Psalms, and found a great verse that I've pondered throughout the day-
Those who look to Him are radiant;
Their faces will never be covered in shame.
Psalm 34:5

As I thought on that, I was reminded of the countless number of people I've known over the miles & years who have, by unwise decisions & lifestyle choices, have covered themselves in shame. Some have lost friendships, some jobs, others their marriages & families, their reputations, even their health & lives. I've known those in ministry who destroyed everything they built by turning down a wrong road into some kind of sin. I read this phrase once-
Sin will take you farther than you wanted to go, and keep you there longer than you wanted to stay.
And yet, this verse tells me that those who look to God will be radiant, i.e. full of brightness and purity, and therefore not wind up in shame.
I hope and pray that I will always keep my face turned toward my Father, so that I may radiantly reflect His glory, and not bring shame upon myself, my family, my people, and my Lord.


Jamal Azhar said...

a blog well done..simple yet demanding attention..

Rob Brooks said...

Thanks- I appreciate the input.