I've been reading a book called, "Plastic Jesus" by Eric Sandras, which is about how we have reduced Christianity to a comfortable, packaged, "suburbia" faith, instead of the radical, life-changing, intimate purpose and relationship with Christ it was meant to be.
One section called, "Wearing Someone Else's Shirt", got me thinking last night. The author talked about how we often wear what we think or want to define us, but all too often we are living a lie. I thought of an example from this past week. Ansley had a knee surgery Thursday, and while I was at the surgical center, one of the nurses noticed my t-shirt, a Harley-Davidson shirt from Virginia a friend once gave me. She asked me, "Like your t-shirt! Do you ride?" To which I replied, "Yes, I do." She then said, "My husband and I ride a Road King. What do you ride?" Suddenly, I was faced with a choice- Do I lie and say, "I ride a Heritage Classic" or something like that, or do I tell her the truth? She'll never know, I'll likely never see her again, and its just a small conversation. I chose to be who I was, and told her, "I ride a Yamaha Royal Star- a poor man's Harley!" She exclaimed, "What a cool bike! I have a friend who rides one of those!" I chose honesty, and I'm glad I did.
Sandras says in his book, "Christians who are living in spiritual suburbia are 'just wearing the shirt.' We often profess to be followers of Christ, but are we really following Him into what He has called us to do? Are we fulfilling our unique, God-given purpose? Its possible to say all the right words, yet never surrender our hearts and wills to God's leading. God wants us to live out our calling; He doesn't just want us to wear His shirt." (p. 52)
I want to live the life, not just wear the shirt.
i always like to read what you write.. it's always interesting and thought provoking. :)
i want to read the book after you dad! :D
ansley :)
ps- i love you & your thoughts of life and God.
you're my hero. :)
That sounds like an interesting book! This is the first time I've read your blog. I will try to keep up with what's going on at Hebron even when we move.
I hope you will keep in touch, Caleb! We'll miss you and your family big time.
Mr. Rob
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