Sunday, April 08, 2007

I'm sitting here reflecting on the weekend- Good Friday to Easter Sunday. I've been reading about the events of that weekend over 2000 years ago- the greatest weekend in the history of the universe. I was reading the 4 Bible accounts of that weekend, and how each writer highlighted and focused on different aspects of the events from Jesus' crucifixion to His resurrection. Taking all 4 together, one gets an incredible look at that weekend- that wild, crazy, amazing weekend. From the brutality of Jesus' final torture and execution on the hill outside the city; His final words to those around Him (including the criminals He was executed with); His final pronouncement, "It is finished"; then the sky going dark; the earthquake that shook the region; the huge, thick Temple veil ripping in half from top to bottom; graves opening up and dead guys walking around the city declaring Jesus is Lord; and a pagan Roman soldier at the foot of the cross, exclaiming, "Surely this man was the Son of God!"; the silent Saturday, followed by the most spectacular Sunday in history- a massive stone rolled aside, angels coming down, Jesus stepping out alive again, and the eye witnesses who saw Him, touched Him, talked to Him, and worshipped Him, then began to tell the world about Him. An amazing weekend, indeed!

I often wonder what it would have been like to have witnessed it all first-hand. And yet, I have been touched by it all- 2000+ years later, the events of that weekend have brought me forgiveness, hope for life beyond this one, help for living in this life, and best of all, a personal relationship & fellowship with the One it was all about anyway. So Easter is the greatest event in the history of the universe, and the certainly the greatest event in the history of my life.

Happy Easter!


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