Saturday, December 16, 2006

I've been watching a Christmas special on tv with the Brookyn Tabernacle Choir. This choir has been raising praise to Christ for over 30 years, and itself is an amazing story. It is made up of people from all walks of life- executives and janitors, business owners and construction workers, waitresses and immigrants, "red & yellow, black & white". There are also many former drug addicts, prostitutes, and criminals- all changed by Jesus Christ, and living for Him. As I see the incredible diversity of this choir, and the whole church they represent, I am reminded of what the Bible says about the Kingdom of God- "from every tribe and language and people and nation." Rev.5:9
Christ came into this world to show us the Father's love, and bring us back to Him. And when He comes back, eternity will be filled with the praises of those who have "loved His appearing." If viewing that choir is any hint, it will be nothing short of fantastic!

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