Sunday, October 01, 2006

October 1st was a day of real worship for me. I woke to a beautiful morning, and thanked my Father in Heaven for its quiet splendor. At church, the worship in our RockiTown kid's church was amazing- kids singing out loud with all their voice & heart, spontaneously standing, raising hands, closing their eyes, etc. We could feel the presence & pleasure of God in that room, both hours. I enjoyed an afternoon with Lisa, talking and swinging on the porch, as our girls were off with friends. It was satisfying, intimate fellowship and conversation. At the evening service, a group called "Praise in Motion" led us in worship through ballet set to praise music. It was captivating. Young women dancing their worship of God was a beautiful sight, and our hearts were caught up the moment. Women are so exploited in our society, yet this was their beauty as God intended it to be seen. On the way home, I saw a colorful sunset, painted across the sky as with brushstrokes, and I worshipped as I rode.
Worship is so much more than standing and singing some songs out of a book, or listening to someone else sing, "Amazing Grace." Real worship is our response to the presence of God, and flows freely from us when we open ourselves to experience Him. That is often out in His creation for me- and yet today it was with His people, in two different settings. It was an extraordinary day.

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