I love the colors of fall. I'm amazed and dazzled every year by the incredible display of hues in creation. From bright yellows, to neon oranges, and rich reds, no artist ever painted with more vivid colors. As far as the beauty you can see in creation, I think I enjoy the fall more than the spring. There are even flowers blooming in the fall, adding to the brilliance! Over the past couple of weekends, I've ridden my motorcycle on short trips around North Georgia, and have been awed by the colors everywhere- God's ever-changing canvas on the mountains, hills, fields, and the sky. As the late songwriter Rich Mullins penned, "There's so much beauty around us, for just two eyes to see; but everywhere I go, I'm looking..."
I believe Heaven's beauty will truly be beyond our comprehension. I believe God's heavens and earth will be perfected and free from death, decay, and disruption. I can't say this for sure, but I believe the new earth will display all the colors of spring, summer and fall, altogether. Imagine for instance- a cherry blossom tree with its white flowers out, and its leaves fully orange, at the same time! In fact, all the flowering trees and plants, in full bloom and full fall color, set against the greens of evergreens, and the bluest skies ever seen- forever.
I'm just imagining, as I sit here and gaze out my front porch window...
"According to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells." 2 Peter 3:13