Saturday, September 09, 2006

Yesterday I turned 43 years old (young). I had spent the morning riding my bike and meeting my parents for lunch, and when my girls got home from school, they said they each wanted to take me out for my birthday present. I went to the mall with Anlsey, then to a motorcycle shop with Kelsey. I had two great "daddy & daughter" times, in the same day! When Kels and I got back to the house, we walked in and "SURPRISE!!!" a bunch of the RockiTown leaders and families shocked me nearly to death with a birthday party! I nearly had a heart attack! Totally caught me by surprise. I'll post some pics as soon as some of them send me a few. Anyway, we ate, talked, laughed together on into the evening. What a great time it was. The older I get, the less I expect big things for birthdays (you want to forget them, if possible!), but the more I look forward to times with family and good friends. And these folks are among my very closest friends. I'm thankful for family and friends in the Lord- we'll always have each other in Him!

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