Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This past weekend one of our well-known children's leaders lost his wife to cancer. She had only been diagnosed with it back the end of June, and now she was gone. The shock and sadness of a loss so sudden and unexpected was hard to comprehend. I was thinking about it today, because so far in my life, I've not lost anyone really close to me. It was sad when each of my grandparents died, but I was not extremely close to any of them, since they had lived far away most of my life. When I think about my own parents aging, and about getting older myself, I find myself thinking about Heaven and eternity more. Its hard for us to imagine it, since all we know is this life, this place. I can't imagine the pain it will be when my parents pass on, or if my wife, girls, brothers, or close friends were to die. But we live in this life for only a short while, then God promises us a place of no tears, no goodbyes, no ending. The older I get, the more I find comfort in that, though I can't completely comprehend it yet.
No more death, no more goodbyes, no more funerals- How I long for that day!
"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,..." Revelation 7:17


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Rob
It is sad. I lost my friend in March he got shoot it was only a few days till he was turning 10 so he never got to live till he was10. Everyone was sad.

Kayla Bannister 11:00 class

Rob Brooks said...

Kayla, I'm so sorry to hear that about your friend! Life is precious, but God promises Heaven for those who are His. I look foward to when we'll all be together there, never to say goodbye again.
Mr. Rob