Friday, May 26, 2006

Last Sunday in RockiTown (our children's church), we talked about Heaven- how long is eternity, what will it be like, etc. I asked the kids to imagine two things- picture the most beautiful place they have ever seen in their young lives, and the most wonderful experience they have had in their life so far. Those are times we wish time would just stand still, and we could stay in them forever. Then I said that is a taste of Heaven- where "All good things will never come to an end!"
I picture Heaven as everything beautiful and breathtaking in this life, multiplied a thousand times over- all the beauty of spring & fall, sunrise & sunset, mountains & tropics, etc., all at once, forever. All those we have ever loved, and all those we have ever read or heard about, who knew Jesus Christ and loved the Father, all together for the ultimate family reunion, never to say goodbye again. And best of all- the visible, personal presence of God, always and forever.
With all the struggles and trials of this life, its a wonderful thing to look forward to, and to get a little taste of here, from time to time.
"Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, what God has in store for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9


Anonymous said...

I remember that Sunday. I hope I get a good view of the beach. I hope you do a whole nother lesson about it.
cori carmony

Rob Brooks said...

Hi Cori! So you're going to the beach? Have a great time, and I'll see you all when you get back!
Mr. Rob