Sunday, April 30, 2006

This past week our Hebron motorcycle group had the privilege of escorting the Moving Wall to Dacula. The Wall is a traveling half-scale replica of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC, making its way across the country. Hebron hosted it this weekend out on our property facing the post office. We were invited to ride with CMA in a motorcycle escort of the memorial from Lawrenceville to our town. We rode in formation behind its transport truck, carrying it all the way out 316 to Dacula, with full police escort out front and behind. It was a tremendous honor to participate in the motorcade, and an honor to help others remember our veterans and their fallen comrades from the war. We had a total of 18 bikes in the motorcade, joining 5 police motorcycles and 2 police cars. We have pictures posted at the Spirit Riders website- . It was an event I'll always remember.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to visit the travleing wall of Dacula.It must have been quite an experiance! I saw a picture of a man in viatnom putting his hand on the wall and all the men that died were standing around him and it looked as if he were praying!!!!!!

Rebecca Long