Friday, March 24, 2006

One of my daughters told me the other evening that she didn't feel close to God anymore- she said she didn't think He was hearing her prayers, didn't think about her, didn't love her anymore. After we discussed all the Bible verses that talked about the "everlasting love of God", how "He is never far from any of us," how "His thoughts toward us number more than the sand on the seashore," etc., I asked her how long she had felt that way. She told me, "About a month, I guess." I told her, "Since the Bible says 'He is the same yesterday, today, and forever,' who do you think has moved maybe, you or Him?" She said, "Maybe I have,...I haven't been reading or praying much lately." I told her its easy for any of us to lose touch with our Father, and let all the noise, busyness, and cares of this life drown out His "still, small voice." He will not shout over the stuff that we often let cloud & crowd Him out, but He is always quietly calling to us- from His Word the Bible, in the words of others who love God, in music, in art, in nature's beauty, in the quiet of our own hearts- all if we stop and pay attention. Now more than ever, we need to "Learn To Be Still", like the old Don Henley song. I know I need that. In fact, God said that in His Word- "Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

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