I saw a bumper sticker today that caught my attention-
"I like your Christ.
I do not like your Christians.
They are so unlike your Christ."
Some might blow that off, but it got me thinking. How many people out there feel that way today? Probably more than we realize or care to admit.
What can we do as God's people, as God's Church, to change that perception? How can we better be reflections of Jesus in this world? He set the example for us, so why can't we better be His hands, feet, and heart in this world?
Just some things to chew on...
So true- the way we offend the world with our indifference, arrogance, or the way we treat each other and others- We really need Jesus to give His Church a 'makeover' to better present Him to a lost world. I keep thinking about what He meant when He called us to be "the light of the world" and "the salt of the earth". We need to be better salt & light-
Mr. Rob I have a queastion,Who created GOD!!!!!?
No one did! God always has been, and always will be. He was never born, and will never die. That's beyond our understanding, isn't it? To us, everything we know has a beginning and end, but not God- He is eternal. That's why He is often called in the Bible, "I AM", meaning- "I always was, I am now, and I always will be." Hard to comprehend, but true. See ya Sunday!
Mr. Rob
Gandhi was not actually a follower of Jesus- He was Hindu, I believe. He did have a high respect for Jesus and His teachings, but he never actually trusted Jesus and became a Christian. Maybe the way many Christians don't live the teachings of Jesus as they should was part of the reason Gandhi never became a Christian himself. Something to think about...
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