Friday, November 18, 2005

Amazing how we seem to keep falling back into the same old sins, over and over again- same old bad attitudes, actions, thoughts, patterns. My spirit longs to follow God, yet my sin nature wants to follow its own ways. But I know the sins that keep tripping me up are not my true self- not my real heart. Even with all of the evil in the world, and the evil within, screaming for my attention & affection, there is a deeper voice- whispering, drawing me to the One who created me and called me. Every day, that is the voice I must hear & heed, for that voice leads to Christ, leads to life.
"Those who look upon Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5


Anonymous said...

hey Mr. blogspot..i was walking by childrens church today and was listening when you mentioned your blog spot to the kids...What a great way to stay in touch with the children and famliles that you minister to. I will be a regular visitor....Thanks for all you do for the children at our church...
Buddy Smith

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob! - Looks great. Thanks for all you do with our Kids! Its a pleasure working with you in the Children's ministry.
