I've had a crazy busy past couple of months, with precious little time to work on these motorbikes I'd hoped to get running before summer's end. Finally, I just prioritized them, cleared some time and space, and got to work.
First order was to trace the source of the big Trophy's issues. After replacing the side stand switch, ruling out the neutral switch and clutch safety switch, I had to try to trace down the side stand relay. I soon discovered my VIN model didn't have one, but rather has the relay incorporated into a module called the igniter-
In tracing the wiring harness, I discovered it was all the way forward in the front fairing, behind the dash, necessitating a complete removal of all forward fairing to access. I trailered the bike down to my mom and dad's place, so I'd have more room to work, and could elicit his help with it. Module is out, and will have it tested by the guys at Hourglass Cycles this week.
I also finally got in the rebuild kits for the carbs on the little Honda Nighthawk. I started on them last night, replacing gaskets, needles and screws in each carb. The ubiquitous kits had more parts than I needed, yet was lacking a few did need. Nonetheless, I think I can complete them with extras I have from previous bikes. We'll see...
Still hoping to have both bikes finished before the end of the month, Lord willing. Could really use the money, and need the space back as well. Nights and weekends, until they are done.