We also began our first home group for the new Phoenix Community of Grayson church plant, which we hope to open sometime in February or March. Talks are ongoing with a possible location for worship gatherings.
In the meantime, I've officially rejoined Christian Motorcyclists Assn., which I was a member of back in the 1990s. As we began a mid-week community Bible study at my friends the Landwer's home, many of the local CMA Kneebenders folks have been attending. I am enjoying my new friends, enjoying our time opening God's Word together, and excited to see where all of this leads. Who knows? We might have the makings of a "biker church"- or least, a biker-friendly church!
CMA's vision of reaching the lost, hurting, and disconnected in the biker community meshes well with the Phoenix Community vision to reach those disconnected from Christ and His Church. I'm not surprised so many in CMA relate to the Phoenix vision. Reaching the lost together with the love of Christ, and equipping them to be disciples of Christ who make other disciples of Christ- 2014 could be an interesting year!