Yesterday I rode down to Watkinsville, to test-ride a cool bike I saw at a motorcycle shop down there. For some time now, I've gotten the itch for another motorcycle- not getting rid of my Royal Star (I love that bike), but a 2nd bike. I've wanted a small sport/street bike, something small & lightweight, just to knock around town & ride the back roads locally. I've looked at the Ducati Monster 620, Kawasaki Ninja 500, and the Yamaha FZ6. Not a new one, but a few years old. I don't really have the $$ for one now, but hopefully in a couple of years I'll be able to.
Anyway, I had ridden down to this shop last week (see prev. post), and saw a used bike there I had never seen before- a 1989 Honda Hawk 650. I was smitten with it- one of the coolest-looking little bikes I've seen in a long time! And being that old, they are really cheap to come by. I spent the past week studying them on the web, and decided I had to ride this only one I found anywhere local. It did not disappoint! I rode it a few miles, and although its an entirely different ride than my big bike, it was a lot of fun, and very easy to handle. I thanked the moto-shop guys, and headed for home.
On the way back north, I began to think about the experience. I asked God if it be His will, when the time was right and the $$ were available, I'd love to have one. Then a Bible verse popped into my head- "Godliness with contentment is great gain." I prayed, "Father, I really love this bike you've given me to enjoy for so many years & miles now. It definitely has been a gift from you. If another bike ever comes, I will thank you. If not, I will thank you. I have been blessed more than I deserve, in every area of my life."
So often, we think God is not interested in our happiness & pleasure. "My God will supply all of your needs,..." And yet, He gives us the ability to enjoy, and so much to enjoy, in this life. He is joy, and desires we live in joy. He does often give us our wants, within His will for our lives. Yet I think sometimes I want more than I should want. Giving us joy and pleasure must be balanced against contentment. And with all He blesses me with, every day of my life, I certainly have much to be joyful about, and much to be content with.
"Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6