I'm on vacation this week, between the super-fun 5th Grade Adventure Trip we completed last week, and VBC coming up the end of July. No real plans for this week, just relaxing with my family, moto-riding down to my parent's place at Oconee, and getting a few much-needed things done around the house.
The other night, I took a late-night walk down my long driveway, and laid down near the end of it. I spent some quiet time on my back, just staring up into space. Teddy sat down next to me, sniffing the air. A cool breeze blew up, and wafted over us. Suddenly, within moments of each other, two shooting stars streaked across the sky. It was amazing. Then a firefly hovered over me, and lit up several times before drifting away. It was all perfectly quiet, and perfectly peaceful. The breeze, the shooting stars, the firefly, my little furry friend by my side- a true "God moment", to linger in. This passage out of the Bible came to mind, out there under the stars-
"When I consider the heavens,
the work of Your hands,
the moon and stars
which You have set in place-
What is man that You are mindful of him?
The son of man that You care for him?
Yet You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings,
and crowned him with glory and honor." Psalm 8:3-5
Every time I hear some evolution-pushing "mad scientist", every time I see commercials on tv for shows peddling evolution propaganda ("The Missing Link-This Changes Everything", "Life After People", etc.), every time some so-called "scholar" screams into a camera, "we are all just cosmic accidents! We came from nothing, and we will go to NOTHING!" (BTW- that came from a scientist on the DVD "Expelled", about anti-creation bias in science & education)- I am reminded of these verses. There is a God who created all, who dearly loves us, who came for us in the form of Jesus Christ, and yes, has a purpose for our lives, here and beyond. Evolutionists can keep their cold, hopeless, depressing view of mankind, the world, and the universe. I know the God in control, and He will get the last laugh. In the meantime, I'll keep reading His words of life in the Bible, and I'll keep visiting with Him on star-filled, cool-breeze, meteor-streaked, firefly-lit, beautiful nights. Its an honor to know Him and enjoy Him.