Sunday, January 29, 2006

Just an added thought to the previous blog-
As I thought about it today, an amazing thought came to me. With all the wonder God has designed into His creation, as vast as the farthest galaxy and as tiny as the smallest cell, He considers you and I the crowning achievement of His creative masterpiece. We each are "fearfully and wonderfully made", as David wrote in Psalms, and His most beloved creatures. We are created in His image, and He loves us more than all else in the universe.
To me, this is very comforting, assuring. As we enjoy His masterful creation, we can enjoy the One who so enjoys us. And His heart is always toward us.
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works..." Ephesians 2:10

Saturday, January 28, 2006

We've had beautiful weather the past couple of days, so I decided to hop on my motorbike and ride the back roads before dark. There were plenty of other bikers doing the same thing, and it was a great ride- cool, crisp temps, uncrowded roads, woods & pasturelands, and a great sunset for the ride toward home. As I rode, taking it all in and savoring the moment, I thanked the God who created it all. Then it occurred to me- of all the things our Father is (holy, just, loving, etc.), He is also the ultimate Artist. Creation is His ever-changing canvas, and His creativity is seen in everything from a breath-taking sunset to a ladybug that lands on my windshield at a stop sign. Artwork always says something about its artist, and certainly all creation says much about our Creator/Father. Spend some time enjoying Him in His masterpiece soon- its always on display!
"The heavens declare the glory of God,...the earth is full of His glory..." Psalms

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tonight at church, Billy spoke on prayer, specifically, practicing the presence of God in our lives. He talked of how so often we aproach God in prayer with an agenda- what we can get out of Him, what we want from Him, what we want Him to do. Yet He has created us for communion, for friendship & fellowship. So often we seek His hand and not His face. If the only times my girls ever talked to me was when they wanted something or were in trouble or had problems and expected me to fix things- we would have a disappointing relationship, at least to me. Maybe God doesn't always answer our prayers the way and when we want because He wants us to focus on "practicing His presence", just learning to be with Him, not just getting Him to act on our behalf. We often mess up one of two ways with prayer- we either treat God like a genie from a lamp, or we don't talk to Him at all. Both are dangerous. Billy quoted some author as saying, "Prayer is like breathing- When you don't do it, its like holding your spiritual breath and suffocating yourself."
"Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17
i.e. practice the presence of God- He knows what we need even more than we do.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I'm very proud of my 2 girls- one has been on a mission trip to the Gulf coast to assist in ongoing relief efforts among those affected by hurricane Katrina, and the other is right now upstairs on the internet with a friend who just today lost her mom, and she's just trying to love her and encourage her. There is so much hurt and pain in this world, and as followers of Jesus we are called to be His hands & feet, and express His heart. Sadly, too often we Christians fall into 2 categories- we either close up in our own little safe, religious communities so we don't have to be around the "sinners" of this world, or we become so like those sinners in attitude, speech, and lifestyle that we totally discredit the life of Christ we should be living in front of them. More than anything else, I want my girls to grow up living among, and loving on, the lost and godless of this world in such a way that people look at their lives and want to aspire to be more like them, to have what they have in their lives. As writer Leonard Sweet once said, "We are to be in this world and not of it, but not out of it, either." It was Jesus Himself who once said, "Let your light so shine among men, that they may see your good actions, and glorify God in Heaven." That's a life well-spent!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Sunday we jumped into the new year with all the kids and leaders back, and it was great! Our kid's church was packed both hours & rockin', we bagan a fun series called, "The Gospel According To Narnia", and the worship room has been decked out to look like Narnia. It was an exciting day!
As I look at the new year ahead, what I want for my family, for the children's ministry, for Spirit Riders biker group I'm the prez of, etc., is what I want for myself- to follow Christ more whole-heartedly, to worship Him more, and to actively seek opportunities to share Him with others. I'm not sure what 2006 holds- its all a fog out in front of us. I just want to hold on to Him tighter, walk with Him closer, know Him better. That's the safest place to be, after all.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6