Sunday, November 27, 2005

As I think back over this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for so many things.
We were in Peachtree City with Lisa's family on Thursday, spending the day eating, catching up with family we don't see enough, and watching the Falcons beat the turkey stuffing out of Detroit. The older I get, the more I love and appreciate my in-laws. They are a wonderful family, and have always loved me like a son. Funny sounding statement, I know- I really love my wife's family!
The girls and I went to my parent's lake house on Friday, although Lisa had to work. We had several firsts- Thanksgiving dinner at the lake, without Lisa, without my brother Rick and his family, and with my brother Mark, and his potential family (his serious girlfriend and her kids). Any time I spend with my mother & father really refreshes me, and (this is another "older I get" thing) Mark and I enjoy each other's company more as the years go by.
Saturday we went to the Ga Dome to watch Dacula play in the state semi-finals. Although the game was a let down at the end, spending the evening with Lisa & the girls like that was fun and rewarding. Life gets so busy, it seems we often see each other in passing, and can become strangers in our own home. Any time spent together is time well spent. My family is most precious to me.
Today in RockiTown (our kids church), we spent one more Sunday on Thanksgiving, asking kids, "What one thing happened over Thanksgiving that reminded you of the goodness of God?" We got all kinds of responses, all kinds of ways God quietly spoke to kids about Himself. Kids are so insightful- They inspire me to keep the faith and wonder of a child, and to keep seeing the hand of God in the great and small.
As we enter the Christmas season, may you keep a thankful heart, especially for God's greatest act of love, the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Today I got something in the mail that really troubled me. It wasn't anything dirty or mean, but it bothered me nonetheless. It was a Christian merchanise catalogue, with all kinds of Christian trinkets you could order. There were Christian wallets, Christian tools, Christian watches, Christian toys (a "Faith Works" play tool set for boys, a "Praise Ponies" play set for girls), and get this- a "Faith Chips" poker chips set! I'm serious- "Real 11.5 Gram Poker Chips", the brochure proudly proclaims, with sayings on them like, "Don't Gamble With Eternity", "Take the Sure Bet- Jesus", "Jesus Knows How To Hold'em", etc. Now, I have no problem with wearing your faith on t-shirts, wristbands, bumper stickers, etc., but I am beginning to feel like something is wrong in our American version of Christianity. Since when did faith in Jesus become big business? When did we become our own little sub-culture, with our own toys, tools, and trinkets? Are we trying to isolate and insulate ourselves so much from the world that we need to come up with our own version of worldly things? Do we think our clever slogans and cute merchandise will keep us unstained by the world, or will help us be a witness to the world? Sure, God says in the Bible that we are to be a "peculiar people," but He means in our clean living, our love for God and each other, and our compassion for those in the world around us. No wonder the world often looks at us as strange and out of touch. We say and do some weird things sometimes, that may not always represent Christ very well.
I just want to be a guy who loves my Father, lives to bring Him honor, and points others to Him with my life and my words. The merchandizers can keep their silly gimmicks. I'll keep a pure walk with Jesus as my focus.
"And my God will supply all of your needs, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Friday, November 18, 2005

Amazing how we seem to keep falling back into the same old sins, over and over again- same old bad attitudes, actions, thoughts, patterns. My spirit longs to follow God, yet my sin nature wants to follow its own ways. But I know the sins that keep tripping me up are not my true self- not my real heart. Even with all of the evil in the world, and the evil within, screaming for my attention & affection, there is a deeper voice- whispering, drawing me to the One who created me and called me. Every day, that is the voice I must hear & heed, for that voice leads to Christ, leads to life.
"Those who look upon Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I often jog at night, weather permitting, and last night was beautiful! Nearly full moon, slight breeze, pleasantly cool, perfect for a night run. My dogs ran with me, and it was a refreshing time. As I finished, and walked some, I was amazed how bright the moon was. And I thought about how our lives are like the moon- the more direct exposure we have to our Light, Jesus Christ, the brighter we reflect His life and love to the world. What if followers of Jesus really reflected Him daily in their lives? Maybe we wouldn't be so judgemental of those who need Him, and maybe they would want to know Him as we do. Just thinking...
"Let your light so shine before men (and women!), that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven"- Jesus, in Matthew 5:16

Monday, November 14, 2005

Hey, first time out on a blog! Been thinking about creating one that kids in my ministry, as well as friends, family and coworkers, could connect with me on, and finally did it. I guess an old dog CAN learn new tricks!
I'm sitting here waiting on my daughter to finish basketball practice, thinking about how small the web makes the world- you can connect with anyone in the world, and have conversation, connection. I'm looking forward to learning more about blogging- this new way of communicating.
God bless, and more to come!